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Hey this is super awesome thanks!
I'm experiencing a small issue, the glitch effect is applied, but it doesn't animate.

Help would be appreciated :)

I'm not entirely sure what the issue might be, but I suspect that the time variable isn't set correctly. In the demo, the "Moment" variable represents this (top left corner). Each step, your shader speed value should be added to it, and if it becomes greater than or equal to the width of the noise sprite, it should reset to zero. This variable, along with the other necessary ones, should then be passed to the shader using the fnc_glitch_config function.

Hope this helps!

(1 edit)

that was it! the moment wasn't defined correctly!

Unfortunately, another minor bug has arisen. The sprite now animates, but chromic aberration disappears when the actual animation takes place. What i mean is, when the texture 'breaks' into little pieces, the aberration stops taking place.

thanks for being helpful :)

*edit* Just noticed this, but the glitch effect doesn't seem to be being applied correctly, the result doesn't match the sprite (im using the demo noise 5)

There can be various reasons why the aberration effect isn't showing up. Make sure that the "separate texture page" option is enabled for the sprite you're applying the shader to and noise sprite. You can find this setting in the sprite editor, on the left side under the "texture settings" tab. Also, in the noise sprite, the last row controls the aberration. If it's completely black, there will be no aberration; if it's white, the aberration will appear. Additionally, in the fnc_glitch_config function, there's an optional aberration modifier. If it's set to zero, there will be no aberration either, but that's unlikely to be the issue. If you're using the noise5 sprite from the demo, it's most likely related to the "separate texture page" setting.

As for the issue where the effect in noise5 doesn't match the sprite, if I understood you correctly, here's the explanation: the pre-made noise sprites are designed to demonstrate different capabilities of the shader. Specifically, noise5 is semi-transparent, and transparency controls the distortion strength. In noise5, as you might notice, the black pixels are half-transparent, while the white ones are 25% transparent. This results in the distortion shifting the image by exactly half a pixel or a quarter a pixel, respectively.

The same principle applies to the aberration. If you look at the last row of noise5, it's almost entirely gray—exactly halfway between black and white—which means the aberration will shift by half a pixel as well. If you want everything to shift precisely by whole pixels, avoid using transparency for distortion and keep the last row fully white for aberration.

If this isn't the issue you were referring to, then it's likely that you're passing the wrong sprite width and sprite height values to the fnc_glitch_config function. These should be the dimensions of the sprite you're applying the shader to, and it's better to use sprite_get_width(sprite_index) and sprite_get_height(sprite_index) to retrieve these values. If you scale your object, the standard sprite_width and sprite_height change proportionally with the object, which would result in incorrect data being passed to the shader.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask—I'm happy to help! :)

(2 edits)

i changed sprite_width and sprite_height to sprite_get_width(sprite_index) and sprite_get_height(sprite_index)I tried changing the texture of the noise sprite to not have the opacity it previously featured, so it should do it by one pixel (the project I'm working on is pretty low in resolution). However, it didn't seem to do anything.

Heres the code in my 'Draw' step right now:

moment += spd; 

if moment >= sprite_get_width(spr_noise){     moment = 0 } shader_set(shd_glitch) 

fnc_glitch_config(moment, spr_noise, sprite_get_width(sprite_index) / image_xscale, sprite_get_height(sprite_index) / image_yscale, 1, 1) 



is there a way i can export from the demo? What i mean is, import the sprite, do the glitch config through the demo, then copy+paste over to my game?

I can provide more information if necessary. 

(3 edits)

I tried your code, and first, it seems I didn’t explain the use of sprite_get_width and sprite_get_height correctly. Actually, you need to either divide sprite_width by image_xscale or use sprite_get_width(sprite_index). I just didn’t expect you to have image_xscale applied in your case. So, when using sprite_get_width, there’s no need to divide by scale.

As for the code: it’s correct, and the issue could come from two things—either the "separate texture page" option isn’t enabled for the sprite/noise, or it’s related to scaling, which I didn’t mention earlier. The thing is, if you scale the object that uses the shader, it will only display correctly at whole number scales. Using non-integer scaling will make the shader behave inaccurately, not pixel-perfect.

I was aware of this issue before, but honestly, I don’t know exactly why it happens or how to fix it—or if it even needs fixing, since pixel art rarely scales at non-integer values. If scaling is the issue, I’m afraid I can’t help much for now. As I mentioned, the only solution is to use whole numbers for scaling.

If the problem isn’t with the "separate texture page" setting and you aren’t using non-integer scaling, I’m not sure what else it could be, since everything works fine on my end with your code. Please send me the dimensions of the sprite you’re using with the shader. When I initially created the shader, I noticed some issues with specific dimensions and fixed them, but it’s possible your case wasn’t covered. However, I’m fairly certain the issue is either related to scaling or the "separate texture page" setting.


Right after I sent that message, I found a solution, though I don’t fully understand why it works. It seems that the fix I mentioned earlier—one I made during the shader’s development—might be causing this issue. So, it looks like you can either fix that issue or this one, but not both. It’s... strange.

Basically, in the fragment shader code, on lines 22 and 23, you can remove the +0.000001 part, and from what I can tell, the scaling issue will go away. However, I’d recommend to wait for the update with actual fix.


I also forgot to mention that you can actually use non-integer scaling, as long as it's a multiple of 2—like 0.2, 3.6, 10.8, and so on. That’s exactly how it works in the demo.


Okay, after some quick testing: the solution from the EDIT works, but I wouldn’t recommend using it, as it might cause other issues—there’s a reason the original fix exists. Instead, I’d suggest following what I mentioned in EDIT2: if you want to use non-integer scaling, stick to multiples of 2. I don’t have any other ideas on how to handle this for now.